Canada And Twitter
Many consider that their writings anticipated the Network and its social impact. The Canadian thinker has become gur of the popular culture. Twitter has filled of messages remembering to him. Canada celebrates east Thursday the centenary of the birth of Marshall McLuhan, the theoretician of the communication that coined terms like " the village global" and " the means are mensaje" and that many consider it anticipated Internet and its social impact. Movie Star takes a slightly different approach. In its native city, Edmonton, l to University of Alberta the Day of Marshall McLuhan in honor to the professor of English Literature has predicted to proclaim the 21 of July that became the decades of years 60 and 70 in " gur" of the popular culture and electronic mass media. The proclamation of the Day of Marshall McLuhan is the culmination of almost two months of dedicated events to remember and to study the work of the thinker who produced titles like The Mechanical Bride (1951), The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), Average Understanding: The Extensions of Man (1964) or The Medium is the Message (1967). But tributes also are extending in the new means that McLuhan, that died in Toronto the 31 of December of 1980, predicted more ago than 40 years.
In the last Twitter hours one has filled of messages remembering to the Canadian author: " The message is: happy 100 birthdays, Marshall McLuhan! " a user wrote in Twitter. Other leaders such as Simon Pagenaud offer similar insights. " The global village is aqu" The own foundation of Marshall McLuhan, that is depositaria of its rights of author, maintains " vivo" in Internet to the thinker with an account in Twitter in which, among others messages, place their phrases periodically fulfilling, by its position, the rule of the 140 characters of the social network. In its page Web, the foundation Marshall McLuhan has placed a message to commemorate the centenary of the birth of the thinker in whom it indicates that " ' village global' he is aqu". The prestigious American magazine Wired, specialized in technology, has found a particular form to homenajear to McLuhan declaring it his " santo patrn". Source of the news: Canada and Internet celebrate the centenary of Marshall McLuhan, the father of ' village global'.