Helen Stratford

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The citizenship since Greece and Rome comes if evolving with passing of the years, where in accordance with its times, she was seen of a differentiated vision. In Greece de Plato and Aristotle, the considered citizens, were those that had discernment to think with regard to the societies. So that this occurred, it was necessary to be a free man, that is, not to need to work, therefore the freedom was not of the direction to go or to come, who worked was not free man, a time that the envolvement in the public affairses demanded integral devotion. In Rome, the idea was the same one, therefore citizen for these was the ones that exerted the rights politicians and civilians and the distinction between whom they possuam this quality and the ones that do not possuam it. The history of the citizenship in Brazil is directly on to the historical study of the constitutional evolution of the Country. However, the citizenship is linked with the right of the aged ones, in what it refers to the access justice among others, that in the truth, only is Express formal, to put materially, does not function with as much effectiveness.

Written by Minna

August 14th, 2018 at 9:02 pm

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Feeling Me – Sung Poetry 20.09.09

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FEELING ME 20.09.09 I am rigid I eat a rock, I have led as wind, soft as to the water. I am in some places at the same time, therefore to where to blow the wind and to exist silence as well as the rocks you in me will step on and know, that the water that you to drink see have it, therefore it is a great linking, it does not question YES or NOT. You know the reason? He answers if he will be able, he cries if to want, sings a song, skirt of the arrest this your affliction does not make well to the heart 2X We can be different, therefore we are people and what you want more, that leave I you capais that never does not finish, therefore joined we will only follow a way, to love and to be loved is more difficult than imaginable, I not wise person who was thus, that I existed the end but still I am here, my dreams will not have end therefore has what it will have our union, linking, had won the problems believes in this sentence. – Dear Brothers I forgive my acts, always I am missed, but I want to correct that vocs believes in me, in my dreams of conquest in my life. Weverton Notrevew

Written by Minna

November 4th, 2014 at 11:20 am

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William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare was the biggest actor and dramaturgo of its time, and is recognized until today for great amount of parts, phrases, poems and sonetos that it wrote. William was born in 1564 in Strantford-Upon-Avon (England), Son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, was married Anne Hathaway that gave three children to it, Sussana and the twin Hamnete and Judith. Shakespeare started its career of truth, when it was changed for London between 1585 and 1592, it was there that the walked one started to become dramaturgo that we know until today, in London, William started in a called company of theater Lord Chamberlain’ s, as writer, in this company of professional theater only worked people with university formation, and Shakespeare did not have university formation, the theater Lord Chamberlain’ s was known as Elisabetano theater, for being of the time of huge Queen Elizabeth I, who more front attended parts of the group of theater Lord Chamberlain’ s, ‘ ‘ queen virgem’ ‘ as she was known. William worked with people as, Thomas Lyly and Christopher Marlowe and other actors.

The father of Shakespeare, John Shakespeare was one owner ‘ ‘ luvaria’ ‘ , its father manufactured luxury gloves and parts woollen, the father of Shakespeare also was subprefeito of the city of Strantford-Upon-Avon, it he suffered financial difficulties that had shaken the time, to the point to have that to take off William Shakespeare of the school when had for fifteen return or sixteen years, this in the decade of 1570. For this William reason he cannot have university formation, this is one of the certain reasons because nowadays Bigrafos tries ‘ ‘ abafar’ ‘ this fact of that William has really existed, in my opinion this is a species of envy and preconception, because if it were studied in university, the people and researchers do not iram to try to prove this. In 2011 an intitled film Anonymous was launched (Anonymous), this film tries to show that Shakespeare in the truth did not exist, but yes other people wrote its parts, poems etc. But this does not pass of lies, people of London already had been against this film, because Shakespeare already is part of the culture of London and the world, and the film has the objective of destorcer history on it.

Written by Minna

September 1st, 2012 at 4:36 am

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