Helen Stratford

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Winning Game

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Classic winning game insurance the PROMOTION screen offers a highly attractive alternative for years assure their sweepstakes companies worldwide and promotions it is against the risk of excess success”as an encore action, except for the case that there is still a winner for the big prize with a probability of winning. The charm of this hedging is in the predictability of costs, on the other, but also that that already with a small budget extremely attractive gains in the value of possibly hundreds of thousands or even millions of euros will be awarded. Other alternatives of lack of you not used to hedge an agent who introduced them to one insurance company on a Commission basis, which then took over the hedge, or lack of interest just also. Often the expertise needed to the customer clear conceptual ideas and bring some knowledge regarding the mechanisms in question, since when many brokers and insurance often interest is lacking, conceptually to the customers support. Since the launch of the PROMOTION screen by the German company of ThePowerBehindPromotions, there is now a highly attractive alternative to classic profit game insurance. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gary Katcher. The PROMOTION screen assumes the risk of promotion by a German carrier of liability such as a winning game insurance, but offers a whole package of additional included services in addition to considerable tax benefits amounting to approximately 19%. Advice for the customers, the development of alternative concepts of promotion is as well of course as the provision of required technical accessories for the processing of promotion.

Under the umbrella of PROMOTION the customer can legally verify even his terms and conditions without additional costs. The availability of the hotline from 8 a.m. 8 P.m., if necessary also at the weekend, is exemplary. Despite this extensive service package is the PROMOTION screen sometimes even cheaper at the same price as the classic insurance offers, offers. The additional refund guarantee is unique of PROMOTION umbrella: The promotion takes no winner, the client receives refund 20% of the paid remuneration.

ThePowerBehindPromotions offers to the PROMOTION screen specifically for concepts, which already brings the customer”. It is worth therefore in any case to take the price check service of the company claim prior to conclusion of the contract: any interested person can already present concept for free check him and receives a lower Counteroffer If necessary within a few hours. More information and contact us at ThePowerBehindPromotions headquartered in Bleckede in the biosphere of the Niedersachsische Elbtalaue designed innovative promotions with a probability of winning any, secures the profits with the PROMOTION screen and assumes the risk of discount, addition – and money-back actions in Germany, of Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg and others. Since the sum of the risk quite at large promotions may lie in the two – or even three-digit million euro range, which gained Reinsurance company in turn.

Written by Minna

December 18th, 2024 at 11:28 pm

Posted in News

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