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Archive for January, 2015

The Coach

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Let’s look at some guidelines about this particular: submitted and provide a brief summary of the activity carried out. Ask the coachee what knows coaching. Clarify the role of coach. Ask the coachee in what way could help the coaching. Ask what issues or specific problems you want to treat the coachee in coaching sessions.

Ask the coachee how you feel at the prospect of participating in a program of coaching. Briefly explain the logistics of the coaching program. On the other hand, various authors agree in stating that the coach must have in a solid knowledge of the philosophical foundations of coaching and the structure of the process of coaching, and be appropriately trained in the competent use of different tools and coaching techniques. This knowledge and expertise will allow you to address the first session with confidence and full readiness to listen and understand the current situation of the coachee. Listening and asking questions should be based on two specific questions must be formulated prior to the intervention. How do you want the coachee that will help? Do I have the knowledge, techniques and skills needed to work with this person? Often useful to begin the session by commenting on the Coach-client protocol, as well as any concern or question that the coachee might have about the same.

According to the experience of various coaches, what worries most d the majority of pupils is the issue of confidentiality. For this reason should be that the coach, to go by paying the ground on the Alliance of coaching, is devoted the time needed to deepen in the limits of confidentiality until the coachee feels more secure. The establishment of expectations of the coaching Alliance can cause considerable anxiety in the coachee; Therefore the most effective way to achieve this is comment on the agreement that is established between the coach and the coachee, and not between the one and the senior management.

Written by Minna

January 15th, 2015 at 6:52 am

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Advertising Festival

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Also participating in the Exhibition 'Festival of Advertising', can express their intention to work in the region and raise awareness of its brand. To participate in the exhibition you will need to submit an application and pay the registration fee, which will amount to 4,500 rubles. This will give you the opportunity to accreditation of two parties, hotel reservations and information about the company in the official catalog of the festival. This amount is added the cost of renting space for your exhibit. Cost per square meter depends on many conditions.

The highest value of equipped area is 3800 rubles per square meter. Provides part-time participation. Which includes posting information about the company in the catalog and placement of various advertising printed on the show. Such participation may be worth 6,000 rubles. Summarizing, we can say that participation in the 'Advertising Festival – 2008' can not be described events that require special costs of participation. If we consider all costs including the cost of travel and accommodation, the amount received indicates that the value of 1000 quality contacts with potential customers and partners are here for you about 2000 rubles. 'Exhibition of Achievements of the advertising sector in 2008' will be held September 23-25 in St. Petersburg.

This event is all-Russian scale. The upcoming exhibition – the ninth. At this exhibition every year come not only the leading advertising and production companies from across the country. This is a meeting place for the most high budget advertisers today. At the moment of his participation in the exhibition VDRH 2008 already have more than half hundreds of companies participating.

Written by Minna

January 10th, 2015 at 7:59 pm

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