Helen Stratford

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Barcelona Christmas

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The city of Madrid shines more than ever if it should be at Christmas, a time in which the lighting of lights, which is performed annually at the end of the month of November, illuminates each of the streets of the capital of Spain, who dresses party to welcome the arrival of the new year. In fact, there are many tourists who book flights to Madrid during these dates to visit the city and enjoy the multiple Christmas activities planned for children and adults, ranging from improvised concerts Street, in the emblematic points of the city, Christmas markets of most complete with all kinds of figurines and ornaments for decorating the home during these datesthrough the Organization of activities for children in the commercial areas of the capital. The city also becomes epicenter of the tourist destination during Christmas, with hundreds of flights to Barcelona, who every day transport thousands of travelers to the Catalan capital. However, the Madrid leisure offer continues to stand out with the Organization of markets, Nativity scenes, children’s shows, music, theatre and many other activities that attract numerous tourists coming from inside and outside the Spanish geography during the Christmas season. Equally, many tourists take advantage of cheap flights Madrid Barcelona to enjoy Christmas among the two major Spanish cities. It is also possible to enjoy the tradition of Nativity scenes and Christmas markets in the Catalan capital. The most popular market of all, that of the Fira de Santa Llucia, located in the Plaza de la Seu, next to the Cathedral of Barcelona. Any visitor who passes these days by Barcelona should not miss the impressive Christmas lights from the Plaza de Catalunya, with stops in the area of Las Ramblas and Portal de l Angel. The cuisine also stands guarantor of Christmas, with the traditional roscon de reyes, sweets, polvorones and nougat of varied type that can be found in most towns and cities power stores. In addition, if you consider yourself a superstitious person and I You can find in Barcelona, do not let pass the opportunity to acquire the famous caganer, a figure that emulates a catalan man, with traditional dress, you are doing your needs, and which is considered a symbol for good luck in the face of the new year.

Written by Minna

March 2nd, 2013 at 3:35 am

Posted in News