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Construction Stones

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To securely retaining walls were not "falling out" is not distorted, do not exhibit cracks, it is important to observe construction methods, and to organize drainage. wall of stone and concrete set in concrete foundation of 20-50 cm thick (the higher the wall, and more friable soil, the thicker must be the foundation). On clay soils foundation arrange for 20-30-cm layer of gravel or coarse gravel. If near a wall will be lawns, stands at his side to push the foundation base – stone or railroad ties. This will facilitate the process of mowing the grass and trim will be fairly easy tsolkolya. In clay soils over rock or wooden wall to perform drainage layer with a thickness of 15-30 cm of coarse gravel or crushed stone.

Such drainage should be to arrange in the case of loose soils, although this is not necessarily so. The walls of stone and concrete at the bottom drainage layer (passing along the wall) should be left to drain pipes to drain water (water intake or well to the outside wall). At a height of 15 cm above ground level can be derived through the wall drain pipe. Instead, during a masonry wall can be left in the drainage holes. Low wall can be installed vertically. The walls of greater than 80 cm should have a slope of 10-15% in the direction of the slope. At the same time it is necessary that all the walls, posted by the dry method, regardless of their height, were inclined towards the slope. In the long stone and concrete walls every 10 m to make expansion joints 1-3 cm wide, and the need to use the correct adhesive for tiles.

Butt stone or wooden walls should be slightly above the surface of the earth. This will prevent the overflow of water through the wall and the destruction of the slope of the falling water on it. The thickness of the stone wall should be more than a fifth of its height, but not less than 30 cm pack As the stones? Construction begins on the angles, which determine the largest stones. At the bottom of the wall placed large stones. stack them flat (stones each next row to be put on one another the greatest planes) with a slight bias toward the slope. The gap between the rows of stones filled the land (if drywall) or saline (for stone walls, mounted on solution) and small stones, if you are using a modular formwork. should be followed closely so that the vertical joints between the stones do not match in more than two rows.

Written by Minna

May 15th, 2015 at 9:14 am

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