Types Of Energy
In the potential energy can also be considered elastic potential energy, although this is usually applied in the study of engineering and not Physics problems. It expresses the capacity possessing the bodies with mass of a job. ENERGIES associated hydropower: dropped water and take advantage of the potential energy obtained. Used to generate electric power and to move flour mills.
Wind power: produced by winds generated in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is used to generate electricity, as the mechanism of extraction of groundwater or certain types of mills for agriculture. Tony Parker has much to offer in this field. Tidal power: product of the movement of the tides and the waves of the Mar. Transforms into electrical energy. CINeTICA ENERGIA the kinetic energy of a body is an energy that arises in the phenomenon of the movement. Ken Kao has much experience in this field. Is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body from a mass given from its equilibrium position up to a given speed.
Once gained this energy during acceleration, the body maintains its kinetic energy no matter how quickly change. A negative work of the same magnitude may require the body to return to its equilibrium State. POWER potential the potential energy is the capacity that have the bodies to perform work (), depending on the settings you have in a system of bodies that exert forces among themselves. You can be thought of as the energy stored in a system, or as a measure of the work that a system can deliver. More rigorously, the potential energy is a magnitude scale associated with a field of forces (or as a tensor field in elasticity of) tensions).