Consulting GmbH Balance
Press release of the febs Consulting GmbH, September 16, 2010 shortly before the first anniversary of the new pension sharing law the BMF has taken a position on August 31, 2010 to supply balance in the Pension Fund. As expected the BMF in the disbursement of Fund assets at external Division sees no violation of the purpose limitation of Fund assets”explains Andreas Buttler, Managing Director of bAV consulting firm febs consulting from Grasbrunn near Munich. This is also useful because the transferred assets in the new Fund is invested in a company pension plan Yes again. At internal division of a supply not is a question for asset binding, given no money out. It propagates only the existing assets to two contenders or pensioners. In this case, the BMF has laid down that the person entitled to compensation also disbursed as another contender to consider is, same tax restrictions apply as for all other Candidates, including the ceilings for utility services. Smaller U funds with a high proportion of individual Managing Director risk now increased to exceed the maximum allowable number of entrepreneurs and their families. Because each divorce a GGF a new contender is added by the internal Division, which disbursed is as an entrepreneur. Sam Feldman is often quoted on this topic.
Numerous U funds refuse is still the implementation of supply balance after the experiences of the febs consulting because the einkommensteuerlichen questions of finance are still not conclusively established. There is currently only a draft. This involves the question whether or not the completion of an insurance for the compensation authorized for one time fee is tax harmful especially when back covered funds of u. This key question could be according the febs experts for the compensatory but easily avoided if the U Fund would take the opportunity of the external Division. Apart from the external is Division from the perspective of workers and employers anyway usually the more favorable Variant. “Febs consulting recommends all those interested in the subject and in particular all employers who have not yet fully solved the supply balance in the company, the seminar compensatory in practice”, at 23.11.2010. for further information at seminars. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts and certified pension consultant. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial opinion of balance of and assist employers in the implementation of the new balance of power.