National Literature Prize
In 1911, he began to travel to several Spanish cities. He began his collaborations in Spain and in the magazine Revista de Occidente and, above all, in the newspaper The Sun in 1913, he published his first book Garba, who dedicated to Antonio Machado, Juan Ramon Jimenez and Ruben Dario. On his articles in The Sun, Azorin sends an encouraging card. “You have arrived sumun, simplicity.” “Fraud In 1917 Alberto Jimenez-Moreno Villa tells me said: Come to the Student Residence “and remains there until November 29, 1937 when the civil war ended with it. In 1921, he left the residence for one year, by adopting a competition to the body of Archives, Libraries and Museums, is aimed at Gijon, Jovellanos Institute’s library. Back to Madrid where he accepted the leadership of the National Palace File.
In 1924 part of the jury of the National Literature Prize, was awarded Rafael Alberti with his book, Marinero en tierra. Coffee chat frequents the “Regina”, which includes, among others Luis Bello. Moreno Villa said in his book Life in clear, autobiography published in Mexico, that poets in recent times, had appeared in pairs, Machado and Juan Ramon Salinas and Guillen, Lorca and Alberti, Prados and Altolaguirre, but that he, also, Leon Felipe, had come alone. In house Jimenez Fraud, director of the Residencia de Estudiantes, known Moreno Villa Florence, the young New Yorker who falls to the point of thinking about marriage. On February 16, 1927, the day of his birthday, leaves with his American girlfriend in New York with the intention of marriage.