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Archive for the ‘internet & multimedia’ tag

Make Company

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An important question, if the budget is not very large. However, it is useful to create an important marketing instrument itself? Sufficient HTML Basics for a company website or not? Now a single independent or a family business, many corporate Web sites have been created to clearly selbstgestrickt or from a known/relative. You have to recognize that to be not a professional Web Designer. Generally used to FrontPage, Word, Publisher, CMS4All, and so on. Because this verse rake Yes, that even no HTML knowledge needed. Howard Schultz has plenty of information regarding this issue. Extends this approach to be successful on the Internet? We are talking here not only of the often bad optics such self-made corporate websites.

The optics is one of the important parts intended as this gives the visitors a first impression of your company. But much more must be taken into account for a successful Web site. Jessica Michibata understands that this is vital information. The creation of a \”do it yourself\” company website also has advantages? Yes sure there are advantages. It is not to deny that a self-created website In the first moment is definitely cheaper in terms of cost. Also, you can not deny that you, know your customers and your industry as well as your products. You are self-employed and independent of an agency during development.

These benefits sufficient, you need to create your Web page itself. But consider the time you need. Not only with regard to texts, because they create for an agency, think the whole layout of the images for your products, the design. All of this requires much time and EV. additional software that need to buy them. During this time, they could acquire customers and actively sell. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of the variant \”Do it Yourself\” and agency on evaluation criteria \”do it yourself\” Web page Agency Web page finance target audience / industry knowledge learning factor Internet cost SMO (search engine optimization) knowledge products expertise marketing expertise Internet savings factor vs profit factor appearance text appearance technical knowledge Internet Dependency of intermediate points advantage/disadvantage 6 / 7 10 / 4 points after benefits-1 6 to the assessment criteria money finances, because to hire an agency costs money.

Written by Minna

April 29th, 2024 at 2:26 pm

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MyHammer IPhone App:

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MyHammer iPhone app: craftsman always at all times and everywhere find tradesmen and service providers with reviews contractor try found faster by customers and contacted app, assess and iPad win Berlin, August 30, 2010, now iPhone and iPad users can download the MyHammer app. Thanks to the new iPhone app, MyHammer is the only business directory, where clients can mobile easy rated craft and immediately contact with the touch of a finger. Users can either with a keyword or predefined categories such as, for example, Garden & landscape construction”according to craftsmen and service providers are looking for, they receive a complete list of all the providers then in seconds in your neighborhood or anywhere. There they see at a glance the exact distance of each individual provider and the number of reviews by previous customers. Users can call Alternatively a map overview, on which all providers in the area are marked. The contact information can also and retrieve detailed information about the individual craftsmen and service providers. The possibility should be for many users particularly interesting, to be able to see each individual evaluation the provider together with the comments of previous customer base of more than 600,000 reviews with MyHammer. Clients have the opportunity to request a callback by SMS or E-Mail or call themselves to contact suitable providers.

In addition, the app enables fast download of the calling card of the craftsman in your own address book. Bookmarks and access to previous queries round off the range. Use the MyHammer app 1.5 million iPhone and iPad users in Germany and Austria can retrieve now each company profile along with contact details and reviews, they need to any computer or laptop more. For craftsmen and service provider 1.5 million potential customers who can be reached with the app mobile “, Markus says Berger-de Leon, CEO of the MY-HAMMER AG.

Written by Minna

February 7th, 2019 at 8:33 am

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With Juki.de Sure Discover The Internet

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Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, FSM, FSF, and Google Germany start Germany’s largest carrying children video platform the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk starts today in the Museum for communication in Berlin together with representatives from associations, industry and politics under juki.de-Germany’s largest being supervised children-video platform on the Internet. Juki alike entertainment, games and learning, allows children, free, safe and age. The offer is aimed at children of all education layers in between seven and twelve years of age. The website is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for culture and the media and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs in the framework of the initiative a network for children”. With the exploratory world of discoverer of, which is free from a raised index finger, children can easily discover the medium of the Internet and gain their first experience. They are in demand even as the children-Internet platform, for example by submitting videos, create your own profile in the Social community area or the composition of own contributions. They are always accompanied by a media education editorial team.

The safe use of the Internet and the creative handling are also in the focus of learning and game world with the medium of film. In addition, publishing, networking and information platform of for their own media productions for and with children is Salah also for other children page operators, parents and educational staff. The safe and competent handling of media now belongs to the core competencies of children and is a decisive prerequisite for their participation in our society. We promote these competencies with juki, without losing the life world and the interests of the children out of your sight. The cooperation between partners from different areas of society, in this outstanding project should be model for our way to a presenting Germany,”explains Thomas Kruger, President of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Juki is the participatory communicative and productive approach”, emphasizes Sabine Frank, head of protection of minors and media literacy for Google Germany.

“” We want to give kids the opportunity with their creative potential for the creation of a network for children by bringing your own ideas and actively involved to be. “we have created with juki a unique offer, which encourages children in their creativity and sensitizes them in imaginative learning units for Internet security”, Otto Vollmers, Managing Director of volunteers highlights self-monitoring of multimedia service providers content. This interaction is essential for a modern youth protection in the media, which children and young people in their needs and their abilities to take seriously.”surf safe, room for children and development of the media literacy of young people is our goal. Juki these children – and youth network the Federal Government added as another tool”, so the Secretary of State in the Federal Family Ministry, Lutz Stroppe. The opportunity, the platform for creative use or embed videos on other children’s sites, expanding the safe range for children and creates an age-appropriate balance between the promotion of media literacy and the protection against risks.” The children video platform is a collaborative project of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk, the voluntary self-regulation of multimedia service providers (FSM), the voluntary self-regulation television (FSF) and Google Germany. The project is by the University of Mainz, supported initiative Germany securely on the net and the kids channel Nickelodeon. Contact: Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, Uwe Kamp, 030-30869311 or 0160-6373155,, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle multimedia service provider, Katja Lange, 030-24048443,, voluntary self-monitoring body for television, Hans-Joachim von Gottberg, 030-23083610,, Google Germany, Lena Wagner, 040-808179236,,

Written by Minna

August 17th, 2018 at 4:02 pm

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