Archive for the ‘Traditional medicine’ tag
Diet In Prostatitis
Diet in prostatitis Minimise the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol irritates the ducts and prostate smoking negatively affects the venous blood supply. Permission is granted to no more than 0.5 liters of beer, or 100 grams of vodka (brandy, vodka, chacha) or 200 grams of natural wine a day. No tonics, energy drinks and other synthetic crap. All kinds of additives increases the prostate irritation and lead to its swelling. The minimal consumption of animal fat. That animal fats are a source of "bad" cholesterol adversely affects the vascular system.
This position does not mean the rejection of meat – such as pork salmon is one of the best sources protein (30%) and contains little more fat than chicken breast. It is safe to eat lean lamb, beef. Pay special attention as cruciferous – mustard, parsley, horseradish, parsnips. Their use should be maximal. Among other things, serve as an excellent crucifers in cancer prevention. They have been successfully used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis Maximum consumption onions and garlic.
In any form. Culinary processing removes the odor. A related site: San Antonio Spurs mentions similar findings. Useful properties of onions and garlic are due to several reasons: to improve the vascular system, stimulating blood circulation, antiparasitic action, etc. In addition to the preventive properties of the bow also increases the potency. Eating foods that contain zinc. They are a lot of seafood, as well as pumpkin seeds. Zinc key trace element for the prostate. Maximum consumption of natural fruits and vegetables. The body requires natural vitamins. By the way it is in summer retreats chronic prostatitis. The reason is simple – human immune system is enhanced by the natural vitamins. Attention! High-quality vegetables and fruit should smell and have a pronounced flavor. Tasteless, soap peaches, apples, tomatoes or carrots – is the same ballast for the body and legs as Bush's grown on hormones. If there is no opportunity to eat organic vegetables and fruit juice drink (it juices, nectars and not). Even if they are made through the restoration of frozen concentrate. Sense from juices than from genetically modified fruit. Meals should be nutritious enough and provide your energy needs. The main sources of calories should be protein, carbohydrates, high-grade, vegetable oils, rich vitamin E. MzjOuNQ13CnXPrXrq5wrM1ReONCls0EqiFGugZgC1&TARGET=-SM-%2fpfsca%2flogin%2ejsp%3fjumpto%3dpolhome’>Primerica. The use of dairy products (Airan, kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, bioygurt, yogurt finally). Will improve the gut flora and enzyme composition of the body. Improve digestion and overall condition organism. (Airan, bioygurt, yogurt finally). Food additives or food supplements. There are a million and a million versions of the proposals. Whatever subtle phrases did not use their distributors must always remember that nature does not deceive and in the main active ingredient is Bade – enzymes, zinc or vitamin E. Packaging, packaging, advertising, the country of production, space technology, though – this is nothing more than marketing. Therefore, I advocate principle than the more natural and simpler, the better. Though of course, if you can buy superexpensive (more times in 30 Russian counterpart) foreign product, then buy. But I prefer myself and recommend it to other natural products as dietary supplements for the prevention of prostatitis. For example, the source of zinc – pumpkin seeds, a source of vitamin E – a spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach, the source
Intestine Issues
You probably met in my life with a large protruding abdomen at the waist. And not once able to hear expressions such as beer belly, stomach volume or bloating. But few know that the cause of abdominal distention is not only the excess fat around the waist, but also the expansion of the colon as a result of contamination with toxic residues from the processing of food. In a healthy human gut, did not suffer from constipation, usually contains up to 2 kg of digestible food. But such people in our time is not much.
In the remaining intestine is in various stages of slagging due to violations of the gastrointestinal tract. The first symptoms of bloating is not particularly noticeable, but with time starts to sink large intestine under the burden of chronic waste. Then it expands, and toxic substances in it accumulates more and more. Sometimes the weight comes to 18 kg. It is understandable that under such conditions can grow tumors that obstruct the absorption of nutrients. In medical practice there are cases of patients removing sections of the colon, which had a diameter of 20 cm at a rate of 5-6 cm With all of this remains foods derived through the lumen diameter of the little finger. In most such cases you can improve the quality of life through purgation of stagnant toxic masses. This not only helps reduce the volume of the stomach and lose weight, and sometimes save lives. Recently, use of hydrotherapy for cleansing, intestinal lavage or water pressure.