Helen Stratford

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Alexander Rier – Between You And Me

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The new album by Alexander Rier – between you and me Alexander Rier presents his second album with “Between you and me” at the 24.02.2012. After the successful start with his debut “I were ‘ on you” and it is now the single hits “103 small sins,” and for all time (live) time for new songs full of feeling and intimacy. As with the first album Alexander has relied again on the magic hands and ears of producers Alfons Weindorf, which resulted in great success already stars SEMINO Rossi, the duration of the carpal and Hansi Hinterseer. Now he wrote strong songs on the body usually together with lyricist Bernd Meinunger Alexander Rier legend, that you can be sure, that the breakthrough of the 26 in the German Schlager imminent is. Romantic hits are peppered all with that certain something, that causes small feelings of happiness and makes me want more.

The musical and human development by Alexander Rier is unmistakable when listening to the album “between you and me”. His songs have become more mature, contemporary and poppiger. That is reflected in the first single “I want to have more”, which has been in January on the radio stations and has ushered in the Promozeit for the album. Also “1000 miles away” is such a song that makes sheer dance pleasure and romance still not to be neglected, like “come on and give me your forever”. Love love again! The most beautiful feeling in the world is also the subject of Alexander Rier. His songs are full of harmony, confidence and happiness, be afraid but also clear words of disappointment, not as in “you’re breaking my heart”. Alexander’s firm belief is that still the chance of a happy ending is greater than that on the calamity. “At the end of all tears the love remains” he presents a handpicked, newly produced hit of his paragon of SEMINO Rossi, who even took him on tour a year ago on the album. Stephanie Ruhle understood the implications.

“I believe in Alexander”, the Argentine superstar said, “and I know how important it is to promote young talent. If one has so much talent, a good voice and a good appearance, then I take it like on tour.” Of course there is but one, who believes more than all others in Alexander: his father Norbert Rier. “Between you and me” is also a musical highlight of the CD, a Duet between father and son with many autobiographical notes next to the album title. On the Friday, the two present the title for the first time on television in the show “Welcome Carmen Nebel” (ZDF/ORF).

Written by Minna

March 24th, 2019 at 5:43 am

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