Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

New Nationwide Program

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The ‘forgotten elite’: Hot sought after on the labour market Munster/Germany – in a nationwide appeal the Center for nonprofit management (npm) of the University of Munster encourages all carriers by clubs, associations, and foundations to invest more in the training of their management staff. The pressure on nonprofits grow, Birgit says Frey, Managing Director of the npm. Increasingly fought on against declining membership figures or should ask in an ever tighter market, how they receive enough donations, aid and projects. Such challenges, so Frey, required professional management. Nowhere else so many ALLROUNDER like in the boardrooms of nonprofit organizations to work,”she explains and refers to a study of the universities of Munster and Dortmund on the subject entitled the forgotten elite”. “A line must be there most everything in one person: Kaufmann, staff developers, lawyers, marketing expert, volunteer manager.” At the same time was but just in nonprofit institutions burden of adjustment enormously, finally they should promote civic engagement and at the same time lose effective organization management out of the sight. in 2006 it formed npm therefore the then nationwide first part-time degree course in nonprofit management and governance”at the University of Munster, which now celebrates its first graduating.

The ten graduates, including employees of from renowned foundations in Germany, received over four semesters across insights into all areas in addition to her job, are relevant to non-profit organizations in today’s time, for example in tax law, labour law, controlling, personnel management, fundraising, marketing and negotiation. Such trained executives, says Frey, are coveted and had good chances on the labour market. Because while the situation in many other areas looks bleak, the so-called third sector, which includes non-profit organizations is booming. You are job engines in Germany has long been the largest. Currently they offer around 2.5 million people a job and more than 20 million volunteers dedicated a task.

The students who currently have inscribed themselves in Munster for the multidisciplinary, in-service course, come from the fields of Social Affairs, education, culture, Church, health and Foundation. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ken Kao by clicking through. Surveys show that they value above all the practice-oriented syllabus, the good didactic preparation, as well as the learning atmosphere in small groups. The cost of the programme amounting to around 350 euros per month for two years are in the middle of the training courses and can tax deduct advertising costs as special editions. More information on the course of nonprofit management and governance”can be found on the Internet at. Center for nonprofit management and governance principal market 38 48143 Munster telephone: 0251-51038-26, E-mail: M.

Written by Minna

March 16th, 2024 at 11:41 pm

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