Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

Olympic Games Heraclitus

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This way you cannot determine when that one body remained in the time and the space. So that something is. it has to own a reality fixes that it does not change that does not change that is not the result of transformations, then can be said that one object in fact is a being and not a multitude of beings. When somebody says I am can be the result of his society, its conceptions, an accident or result of a so continuous change in the time that sometimes is not known and is asked again who I am? I watch myself suddenly with astonishment and I ask myself God, is? it answers him if, because God is the unique being who knows the reality true the being of the time, of the being of the space, the being of the being, porcuanto knows itself itself and it is not asked that is. Since that has arrived at the fullness of its knowledge and the fullness of the knowledge of all the things.

The unique thing that listens was its smile, soon I continued my exhibition. To my precious brothers always I have spoken like a women to them who are sufficiently understood to include/understand any conception that the men become of the world. Young people if they have brothers to not deny their knowledge them, make use of the wisdom that is granted the philosophers who do not envanecen themselves. 2007 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 19 to seem Heraclitus them daria the following introduction to submerge them in the paradox of happening. by the black conosco the black and not by the target, the target by the target and not by the black. So that the black can well be white and the black target. Like relative of the substance.

Or by the connection of the black and the target hayo the gray. Soon I separate the then gray hayo the black and the target. But without knowing the target and the black. We cannot know the gray. Since the gray is consequence of the black and the target. You would imagine like prosigira Heraclitus. These things can be applied in the theoretical physics. Therefore I insist that the philosophers study physics and the physicists philosophy. Recently he stops showing the relation that I seted out at the outset, but you observe until but minimum detail Would by themselves find a great diversity of connections. A great writer relates something to us wonderful about Heraclitus. And with this we finished, with the purpose of to happen to other philosophers. Heraclitus, son of Biosn, (or according to some of Heracln of efeso) had his acme in the Olympic Games 69. I get to become arrogant and extremely disdainful.

Written by Minna

December 21st, 2014 at 5:05 am

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