Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

National Council

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To overcome the deficit of each year 30,000 births in Austria Austria, the reproductive rate of its population by approximately 30% is less than 3 decades. There is a lack of 30,000 births per year. In the past 10 years alone, 300,000 people who have not come to the world in Austria are this. If nothing happens, the Austrian population towards the extensive self extinction is located. Austria has an extensive family support in an international comparison. This is lower than in Austria such as France or Sweden in part, however, these States have more births than we (France for example 2.01 children per woman compared to 1.39 children per woman in Austria). The resources available are used apparently better than ours.

In Austria, the financial, professional, and social disadvantages associated with children are just too big for the majority of our population. Related Group spoke with conviction. The financial disadvantage of 3 children (up to 17 years) amounts currently accumulated to approximately 380,000 euros. Children must be an advantage both socially and financially. “Objective of the referendum survival of our Austria” it’s again a boost to convert the current downward spiral in our population. The instrument cases is a constitutional law, which contains a mission statement, which lacks today – for the development of Austria’s population. “The text of the referendum is: the National Council may decide by federal constitutional law, that is to maintain the current composition of the Austrian population ( 1) ( 2) the family support including accompanying regulations are to the reconciliation of child-rearing and career so designed, that Austria renewed its population from its own offspring ( 3) offset the income losses relating to the education of children.” It comes to compensate for the income losses in connection with children and the full compatibility to establish between work and parenting, to have for all children (married or unmarried) to develop an economic advantage, to secure our pensions through their own children, our economy in the future sufficient own workers and consumers to make.

Measures for this purpose are in particular: the distribution of wages of parents on all children as in France. This results in a decreasing tax burden: the more children less income tax. Benefits for parents with children in the pension contributions, when the pension amount or at the retirement age; decide financial and professional incentives for women who earlier than this currently is the case in their limited time precluded – for children; the complete achievement of reconciliation of child-rearing and work through childcare facilities (full day kindergarten, all-day school) are synchronized with the working time; Compensation reduced career opportunities; Equality of People with children with people without children in the practical life; Acquisition of additional costs for the creation or rental housing for children. an ideal vision is also essential: presentation of overcoming the birth deficit as the objective of our society; Priority for the contract of the generation in the hierarchy of social action; Rehabilitation of essential for our survival role of women as a mother; Overcoming their degradation as this was already heard, as machine.

Written by Minna

February 23rd, 2024 at 8:11 am