Helen Stratford

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Archive for November, 2014

God Gives Us Good

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This is not my child, but I am against any new acquisition of the girl. A piercing in the navel, nose, the ear lobe. Or so the hair is painted purple. Even if you use dental floss as a glue less. Not concerned that the above view of eternal mourning because he chose to be Dark and even paint nails jet black, like Morticia Adams. Never stick you happen to step in, I was your age. Because inevitably will be treated in old retrograde.

Lady of the Camellias or daughter of Methuselah. Remember that as you see this strange which happens is his daughter and who raised you. Herself, she examines you. All God’s holy days. And He says to himself: Is it my mother? You’ll feel great for their rights and small and innocent and helpless creature of God for their obligations. Note that some days you can wield a jao, all welcome. A grunt and in the days that adolescence was not vitiated as a normal hello. He should learn to scan the horizon of their moods.

In his silence beware of sound. O profane or hang your favorite meditation and thereby blaspheme red to let a truck driver will be developed your sense of smell. And she in the deployment of hormones looking runway will feel a skunk. Thus considered a good budget for all that is perfume and start buying wholesale shampoo, creams several, deodorants, powders, soaps of all kinds and fragrance and incense and do not be alarmed if you see incense turned on for the most unusual places of the house. Even in the trough of the cat, which she will smell the most expensive shampoo. And above all remember that the new definition of the World Health Organization was a teenager until after the age of majority. So you have plenty of time to write a manual on how to treat a teenager without dying in the attempt and everything you answer. He wanted to know on your child’s adolescence and never dared to ask.

Written by Minna

November 23rd, 2014 at 3:49 pm

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Pedagogical Project

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The fulfilment of the requirements of the titulao is not reflected, necessarily in a epistemolgica and pedagogical formation. The insertion of the professional in the area of the teaching, Institutions of Education Superior, has been to a large extent for the varied knowledge and areas of performance, without same no preparation in educational the philosophical field to endorse the teaching function. We consider that the knowledge in the areas of Sciences Social Human beings and are prerequisite for the university professor, a time that goes to make to understand it as if of the o process teach-learning. Understanding this process it will be able to develop one practical pedagogical condizente with the necessity of formation of the pupil. Each time in the preparation of the university professors for the teaching is necessary to deepen this quarrel on the more complex requirements, therefore it is clearly that the absence of the specific formation if has reflected in the professional quality of the pupils egresses of the IES, that have not obtained to establish the necessary relations between the content lived deeply in classroom and the practical efetivao in its professional exercise. In fact, the resume of the courses it is a basic factor when the quality of the Pedagogical Project of each area is evaluated. One of the resume concepts is on to the etimolgico and means everything what it needs to be taught or to be learned according to an order of progression determined in a cycle of studies. On idea of resume the course, passages, to an organization of subjects, or knowledge, or everything what if it must learn. In the practical a concern it is as to command what necessary to be learned in a definitive order (MASETTO, 2003). Arguing professional resume, focus of our interest, we focus the teaching formation, that if it relates to the scientific knowledge of its field and the field of the education, of the pedagogia and didactics.

Written by Minna

November 23rd, 2014 at 10:20 am

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Reaching Siberia by Rail

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In the far reaches of Siberia, rail and sea are often the only means of transport. In the short ice-free summer months offers here for travelers an affordable and exciting travel option: Even for around 3000 rubles (about 100), there are the four days cruise in first class on the rivers and whether – but on a ship of the line. Who can dispense with a German tour guide, folklore performances on board and luxury in the cabin with a ship of the line is the serves excellent. Every three weeks the ships the Arctic Circle. Whether the route on and leads through the almost uninhabited landscapes of the north-west of Siberia, past small villages and towns, of which only a very few ever have a paved road. By boat here everyday goods are delivered.

Large luxury one should not expect the river journey, even in first class cabins are simply furnished double, toilets are in the Community should use and toilet paper you – as almost always bring with them to Russia Travel – best themselves. The journey can be done with the train: Omsk on the route of the famous Trans-Siberian Railway, from there to the junction line Omsk. After the river trip, you can connect from the Arctic Circle lie the loneliest railway – the ‘Polar arrow “- of the settlements and towns of the north with the industrial centers of Russia. Travellers should have for the tours at least a basic knowledge of the Russian Language: Not necessarily someone speaks on board or on the trains German or English. Who wants to be sure to get a ticket on the ship, should fund in advance of the trip one of the small, regional travel agencies on site with the ticket booking for boat and train.

Written by Minna

November 15th, 2014 at 11:21 am

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Feeling Me – Sung Poetry 20.09.09

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FEELING ME 20.09.09 I am rigid I eat a rock, I have led as wind, soft as to the water. I am in some places at the same time, therefore to where to blow the wind and to exist silence as well as the rocks you in me will step on and know, that the water that you to drink see have it, therefore it is a great linking, it does not question YES or NOT. You know the reason? He answers if he will be able, he cries if to want, sings a song, skirt of the arrest this your affliction does not make well to the heart 2X We can be different, therefore we are people and what you want more, that leave I you capais that never does not finish, therefore joined we will only follow a way, to love and to be loved is more difficult than imaginable, I not wise person who was thus, that I existed the end but still I am here, my dreams will not have end therefore has what it will have our union, linking, had won the problems believes in this sentence. – Dear Brothers I forgive my acts, always I am missed, but I want to correct that vocs believes in me, in my dreams of conquest in my life. Weverton Notrevew

Written by Minna

November 4th, 2014 at 11:20 am

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