Helen Stratford

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Theater and Culture

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The Ministry of culture published yesterday day 20, resolution of the National Institute of scenic arts and music, by which summon aid for dissemination of theatre and circus and theatrical and circus communication corresponding to the year 2011. To display the resolution in its entirety, visit the website listed at the bottom of the article in your State section. Article 44.1 of the Spanish Constitution provides that public authorities shall promote and tutelaran access to culture, to which everyone is entitled. For its part, article 149.2 constitutional text establishes that, without prejudice to the powers which the autonomous communities may assume, the State considered culture as duty service and essential attribution and facilitate cultural communication between the autonomous communities, in accordance with them. Pursuant to the above, the Royal Decree 1132 / 2008 of 4 July, by which develops the basic organizational structure of the Ministry of culture, attributed to that Department the promotion, protection and dissemination of the performing arts, music, dance and the circus. In turn, Royal Decree 2491 / 1996, of 5 December, organizational structure and functions of the National Institute of scenic arts and music (hereinafter INAEM), gives this body attached to the Ministry of culture the role of promotion of the performing arts and music through awards, aid and grants. Internationally, the need to support cultural expressions is reflected both in the Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO held in Paris on 20 October 2005, as in article 3.2 of the Treaty on European Union and title XIII of the Treaty’s operation. Under cover of the normative framework, the INAEM has undertaken the task of supporting the elaboration of general action plans, like the General Plan of the theatre, fruit of the reflection and the participation of the sector in the analysis of the situation of the theatre, in the assessment of the needs of the creation, production and dissemination stage and in the search for a consensus to establish the strategic lines of public policies.

Written by Minna

February 7th, 2013 at 9:24 am