Turkish Republic
In this case, the translators of the XV century tried to completely adapt to the reader translated into Turkish language texts. That is why the translation was not accurate, very different from the original text. Little success in this case reached the translator Ahmed, texts have survived to this day. What can be said about the history of his birth and life, unfortunately, this information has been lost. Ahmedi translated into Turkish works of Avicenna, and other books on medicine. Thanks to his profound knowledge in this area, transfers Ahmedi used Turkish doctors until the XVII century. A curious historical fact is that during the Ottoman Empire, the middle of the XV century, during the invasion of the country Europe, Asia, Africa, considered the most valuable trophy in books and manuscripts.
The Ottoman conquerors took no weapons, valuable jewelry or armor, they drove home just books, carefully keeping them on the road. Home, brought the texts translated into Turkish. The texts were very different, philosophical, scientific, geographic, entertainment, etc. The greatest achievement in this area, it is the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, and brought home that survived after the fire, libraries, and books. Each manuscript was subjected to careful translation into Turkish. It was a long and painstaking work, sometimes on a single manuscript worked for 3-4 years. Fundamental work was the Turkish translator Ali Wasi, who lived in the XV century.
Lasted for about 20 years work on the translation into Turkish from Persian "August Book", this translation came to our days. The first grammar Turkish language was written in the XVI century, but then were drawn and the first Persian-Turkish and Persian-Arabic dictionary, but they were only printed in 200 years. It is interesting to note that the Turkish language began to grind in the emergence of the Turkish Republic, since 1923. During the period of the Turkish Republic of Turkey has experienced two reforms, the reform of language and alphabet reform. Reform of the language expressed in the ability to fully to service the arts, technology, science in Turkey. Then began an active replacement of borrowed foreign words in Turkish words. To this end, it was even created in 1932 by the Society of Turkish language, while fully in public and not private basis. Precisely because of this society, the reform of the language began to yield results. But even today in the Turkish language, can find words with Persian or Arabic descent, as well as new the notion of French and other European languages. The reform of the alphabet was the refusal of the Arabic alphabet and replaced by an alphabet based on Latin. This decision was taken at the Congress of Turkic studies in Baku in 1926. Therefore, starting from 1928, in Turkish the Latin font. Total in modern Turkish alphabet 29 letters and 29 sounds, that is, each letter has one sound. Relatives in Turkey Turkish consider 90% of the population. In Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan speak Turkish more than 35 thousand people, and in Bulgaria, 850 000 people. In Cyprus 120,000 people, while in Greece more than 129 thousand people believe a Turkish native language. In Sweden, more than 5 thousands, in Belgium, about 64 thousand, in Austria 170 000, in Germany about 2 million people speak Turkish. To date, worldwide about 100 million people speak a foreign language, regarding it as their native language.