Helen Stratford

Helen Stratford: all About Culture

William Shakespeare

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For example, even small children know what to see next, we must rise above. However, even they know that had to rise above and sometimes in order to see deeper, for example, in water, the submarine. But, of course, only in later life to the people comes the understanding that the right path in life you can see, only rising to the appropriate height. This is not just a theoretical discussion. After all, perhaps, no small number of people on some perfect their stupidity in practice have heard comment: "You that he did not know … ' This, of course, this comment implies that the time to draw conclusions from the knowledge of what is no longer possible to disown a long time has come. Therefore, only by some supernatural causes, and only believers can justify misunderstanding that it was not any movement forward is good. For example, as pointed out by the same William Shakespeare, those who are merely 'sins of the fathers are doing in a new way', if you go ahead and then just in the wrong direction.

Same direction, which must go all people, regardless of differences in religion and in respect to faith in general, quite clearly and accurately marked in the Bible (1 Fel.5, 21): "Prove all things, a good stay." 'Only stupid repeats folly (Proverbs 26.11) "and not just their own. This, expressed in the Bible direction moves by nature. Anyone can see that in nature there are, and sterile, and other manifestations of violations of its move.

Written by Minna

February 17th, 2012 at 7:13 am

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