Helen Stratford

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Children Selfhelp

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Our children are what we really want in life and sometimes we forget about them. Apply these six tips and enjoy their company. Tips to be happy with our children We are what we really want in this world right?. The best gift we can give them does not cost money. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sela Ward. It's called love, devotion, understanding, support and education.

Esforzemonos to give them our full and enjoy them. By the time we want to have already grown. Let us seize this moment of childhood to show the positive things that have life. 6 tips you can not forget 1) In your house joy should reign. Life is a gift that we should stop squeezing so do not be dismayed by the things of earth, spread joy in your home and leave the problems parked in front of your house. 2) Show yourself sensitive to their moods. Emotional intelligence focuses on regular or transform the mood.

First Focus on eliminating anger, sadness, apathy of your child and then facing its cause. in your relationship with children. The humor causes great changes in moods of people. 3) Teach them to address problems with joy. Problems are opportunities to grow as people and increase our self-esteem. 4) Plan activities that appeal to the whole family: hiking, biking, horseback … Strive for a happy atmosphere prevails. Your efforts will be rewarded with endless doses of love. 5) Do not hide your feelings. Put them in the open is the first step to address the negative and enhance positive. 6) Show them with gestures and words your love. Do not repress yourself. We all like to feel loved and children more. I wish you all the best of luck in this endeavor. Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, think of you. H Jackson Brown

Written by Minna

October 14th, 2018 at 10:56 am

Posted in News