Encuentro Pastoral Music
“Religious music, church music, liturgical music: Catholic musicians ” Dear friends and brothers in the service of song and music. For singing groups of parishes, chapels, communities, schools and apostolic movements. How much joy and excitement caused by the fact we play, singing, aspects of our Catholic faith, every day we are becoming more aware of it.When we sing to God praising his creation, when we sing our history, as history of salvation, when we sing for forgiveness of our sins, when we do by invoking the help in a desperate situation and when we bless the Name of Jesus, which is above every name then we discover that our music and our songs have a meaning that goes beyond a simple interpretation of musical art in a religious space. Our singing is sacred because it is linked to the liturgy, but also because it is done with faith, that is, with a conviction of a mind that knows that it reflects God. The religious singer sings not only to beautify a liturgical celebration, if so, would be seen merely pagan and worldly. With these words, we are pleased to invite a Meeting of Music and Pastoral Canto, all those friends and brothers who share the same feeling of singing the mysteries of our Catholic faith, especially those singing groups and choirs, as they do around the Eucharist. This is a very favorable request to share, learn and collate experiences that help us improve this service so necessary for our liturgies. Music in the liturgy, not just an interpretation, is also a pastoral, ie, a means to educate and interpret the faith. On that occasion, each group, please read part of a religious song in order to evaluate and consider this service. Then, share the “sense of singing in church,” to later learn some songs and interpret them together. That meeting is set for the day Sunday 07 October in The Sacred College Hearts (Alameda), from 15.30 to 19.00 hrs.We ask those wishing to participate by singing. Advance notice, the email Jcarter iglesia.cl many greetings to all