Free Advertising
There are many directories and websites that offer free advertising classified directories and directories of categories including sites exchanging links. We all know that there is a lot of these sites, but we also know that the time factor is crucial to our campaigns and our resources. Imagine having to run an ad on thousands of sites that are not known and it is likely that he is full of SPAM and adversely affect us when our site position in major search engines.
This is not an optimal way to get more traffic and raise awareness of our products. There are other payment options that are, for example, adwords, but are made for systems with initial capital required to maneuver with advantages over others and not because he is adwords, which is of the best systems of this type and I have created some campaigns in this fabulous system. The crux is that if you create a portal from scratch with no initial capital will have to find some way traffic and make it known, the same case for product, usually those that sell products have capital to invest back into advertising, but not for third parties such as affiliates or business operating online, webmasters lonely, etc.
In these cases we have to resort to the forums, although this activity can be classified as spam in some cases. Then, as I get better positioning and audience for my product or Web portal without having to invest money? honestly, if you have money it is best to invest and the results will be fast, if you will have to choose the options and then recommend other web sites except the forums are very cops, so even if you insist on the forums recommend using links without signatures saturate the signing and following the policies of each forum for corporate user, this is the best option to promote in the case of forums, add something and then your signature, as in the case of articles like this. .