It also stands that the title of the person named above – Lord Protector of free government in England, Scotland and Ireland. Next article specifies that the executive power belongs also Lord Protector, though, with the assistance of the Board, the size of which may not exceed 21 and do not be below 13. In this document, much attention is paid to the competence of the Lord Protector, which was quite extensive. The only restriction for this position was provided by Art. 32, which stated that the title of Lord Protector is a selective and not hereditary. Click Related Group to learn more. However, the following article makes an exception for O. Cromwell, announcing his Lord Protector for life. Local authorities are also under the control of Lord Protector.
The whole country was divided into 11 military districts, which are managed by Major-General, are also subject to Lord Protector. Thus, during 1653-1658 years. England established a military dictatorship, because, according to authorities, but it could save the country from collapse. O. Cromwell, the power was almost more than the kings of the dynasty was overthrown.
Acting in interests of the big bourgeoisie and new nobility, it is widely used for the army to maintain law and order throughout the country, suppressing the slightest manifestation of discontent with the regime, any democratic movement. But circles, for which such policies were well aware that only one use of force to maintain stability in the country is rather problematic. That’s why they wanted to a situation where did not have to worry about for the revolution made the acquisition, therefore no accident that in 1657, the ruling circles had prepared a document titled “Submission request to the board,” which contained a proposal and request to take the royal title, the monarchical form of government and restore the House of Lords.