Archive for the ‘Research’ tag
History Development
Alexander von Brenner's work at all: rational reconstruction of history of psychology, as metaphysical problems of methodology PSYCHOLOGY If we consider the most important methodological concepts in the order in which in the twentieth century. gave way to fashion them, we can detect a certain tendency. It consists in the gradual withdrawal of the methodological concepts of orientation solely on the formal logical structures and increasing their rapprochement with the history of science, the logic of the historical development of science in motion from the severity of formal care for the logical constructs of caring about the adequacy of the historical development of science, from the deliberations and decisions problems associated with analysis of the structure of knowledge, procedures, verification and validation of theories to address issues that arise when describing the development of knowledge. Thus came the modern requirement for the methodology of science – ensure the movement of scientific knowledge on the main road of history of science. But how to identify this line? To describe the development of knowledge in theory there is a paradigm and a paradigm shift Kuhn, a rational reconstruction history of science and methodology of scientific research programs I. Lakatos, a theory of their adherents and followers Pechenkin AA, 1996. Understanding these theories, in turn, results in the methodology to change attitudes metaphysics, which seeks to bring knowledge to the limit a single system, and thus allows to simulate historical development of science in general. Metaphysics return of the science and recognize its beneficial influence I.