Helen Stratford

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Archive for the ‘art and science’ tag

Rio De Janeiro

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Ours to only act or not-to act it can? to make the difference? when if it deals with local questions, while for the other questions, declared? supraplaces? , they do not exist? alternatives? as they continue to affirm our leaders politicians, as well as the specialists of planto’ ‘. The more impotent citizens if feel each time in relation to many important questions, and the politicians also. Bauman: ‘ ‘ Also the situations whose origin and whose causes are doubtlessly global, remote and obscure, politics only enter in the scope of the questions when have local repercussions. The pollution of air? well-known global? or of the resources hdricos only says respect to the politics when a land, vendido bellow evaluation? in reason of the presence of toxic residues or lodgings for refugee politicians -, it is located here to the side, practically in? our yard? , terrifyingly next, but also (what he is encouraging)? to the reach of the hand? ‘ ‘. 5.

Like CONCLUSION: PERSPECTIVE OR PROSPECTIVA? ‘ ‘ All know that to live in a city it is an ambivalent experience. It attracts and moves away (…) Is clearly about a coexistence bothering, full of sound and fury, but, exactly thus very significant for the people who suffer to the ambivalence from modernity lquida’ ‘. (Zigmunt Bauman) Bauman: ‘ ‘ In few words: the cities if had transformed into deposits of problems caused for the globalization. The citizens and those that had been elect as its representatives are ahead of a task that cannot nor dream in deciding: the task to find local solutions for contradictions globais’ ‘. task is difficult. Dificlima! Because we live escapism times, where the people and authorities politics live ‘ ‘ empurrar’ ‘ the problems with the belly, or for underneath of the carpet, or the future. According to Bauman, ‘ ‘ this possibility to escape of the local problems allows that they have an independence of that the other urban inhabitants only can dream; that shows the luxury? what the others if cannot allow? of a noble indifference. Its contribution stops? to decide the questions of the city? it tends to be less complete and more unprovided of restrictions that the participation of that they have minors possibilities to breach the bonds unilaterally locais’ ‘.

It says despite ‘ ‘ it is this general comfort, and not some particular factor, that sets in motion and guides the dynamics of the city in liquid modernity? of all the cities, without the shadow of a doubt, even so not of all they in the same grau’ ‘. They are, like conclusion, some questionings and fidgets: is disintegrated city or evidences its oldness to it? Disappears the citizen or appears the absent user of its urban condition? Pasteuriza it urban image and hinders in to see them e, over all, to think? REFERENCES BAUMAN, Zigmunt. Community? The search for security in the current world.

Written by Minna

May 17th, 2019 at 4:41 am

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Write Something Today

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Music, of certain point of visa, a very escencial thing nowadays. Pra everything in the life, any thing that if makes, speaks, reads, hears, whatsoever, turns music. It tries, you, to imagine a world without music.a world without melody.without compass it imagined? there, what you found? Huuuumm.sufficiently monotonous, not? music, of where appears? Composers, obviously, n! You, already tried to write a music? Not? Never? Why not to seat and to write in verses what you feel at this moment? He goes that from there he has left one music that in days can blow up in entire Brazil. Haaaa, but you must you are thinking: ' ' Poxa, I do not have dom to write a music, to compose and etc.' ' who said that he is nescessario only with dom that you can write a music? All we are capable to make possible and the impossible one, until if he proves in contrast. We are all children of the same god. We have the same capacities! If you do not find yourself capable to write a music, you guarantee that I obtained the least to write a poem. Skirt daqui, and goes to try.

Tente to write something. It did not obtain to conclude music? It goes to try to make a poem. One poemo, or several, on one determined subject, and later join everything and see if of pra to make a music. What it is more important you are always you are with the head ' ' in movimento' '. Writing something, thinking about something, thinking about what he is. He thought? He puts that in a paper. He never leaves to write from fear, nor for nothing. He always keeps contact with the writing. The anonymous one of today, can be the example of tomorrow! It thinks well before saying that you are not capable!

Written by Minna

April 23rd, 2014 at 5:37 pm

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Rio De Janeiro

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Ministrante of the Workshop Construction of the Ball of Soccer and Polyhedrons 6. Consideraes Final the process of education and developed learning was regulated on the basis of the comments of the reactions of the pupils. Through these reactions we made some conjecturas that had deserved our attention. Amongst these, we detach: The construction of the soccer ball if presents as a strong link that approaches the reality of the pupil of the mathematical contents; The conceptual field? Polyhedrons of Plato? it is presented as adequate to work geometry in Average Ensino; The tasks that involved organization, systematization and formalizao of mathematical contents help in the accomplishment of tasks interdisciplinares; The involved participants in this experience had evolved throughout the passage (action of formation, intervention critical reflection of the results), modifying its attitude in relation to the paper of the mathematics.

The mathematics is an area of knowledge with many alternatives of work, and is always present in the daily one. The development of this article helped to think it us with clarity and to reason better, therefore it was possible to organize the education process, transforming the learning of Mathematics into a pleasant, interesting and challenging study, developing the logical reasoning, the creativity and stimulating the independent thought and the creativity participant them of our workshop. We affirm that we reach our objectives, therefore was possible to work of diversified and attractive form, combining geometry? polyhedrons and ball of soccer. With the activities proposals, the pupils had interacted actively during the episodes of education happened in the Laboratory of Education of the Mathematics, constructing the knowledge on the studied subjects.

Written by Minna

July 1st, 2012 at 12:18 am

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Brazil High

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Figure 1 4 general Commentaries on coal As ARRUDA (1981) the existing types of coal in the south region of Brazil are antracito (half-antracito, antracito and goal-antracito), bituminous (high volatile, high the volatile B, high volatile C, volatile volatile and low medium), sub-bituminous (sub-bituminous, B and C) and linhito. All these types of coal can occur in Santa Catarina, Paran and Rio Grande Do Sul. In Santa Catarina the types predominate bituminous high the volatile medium in the layers Pretty (bituminous high volatile), White Adobe (bituminous high medium the volatile one) and Irapu (bituminous high volatile). In the Rio Grande Do Sul the types predominate sub-bituminous in the cities of Candiota and Recreio sub-bituminous coals, Teresinha Saint we have sub-bituminous coals for bituminous high to the volatile medium. 4,1 Chemical constitution of the coal the constituent of the coal are carbon, hydrogen and sulphur, the mineral materials gifts in the coal are argilas, piritas and calcareous rocks, the oxides gifts are aluminum and silicon. The coal can be defined basically as being a combustible rock sedimentary, formed from determined vegetal, that had suffered to burial and compacting in originally little deep basins.

The diverse periods of training of carbonificao, of the minor for the greater rank, follow the sequncia: turf? sapropelito? linhito? sub-bituminous coal? bituminous coal? antracito. The minimum period of training for the industrial use of the coal is of the linhito. 7 Combustion of the coal the main purposes of the direct combustion of the coal are industrial vapor generation, termoeletricidade, heat of process in ovens and furnaces in the industry of the cement, glass, ceramics, agricultural drying of minerals and grains, locomotives the coal, in other words, the burning of the coal if make necessary in the industry because of the energy that is set free through its burning. The direct burning constitutes the form cheapest, efficient and traditional in the use of the coal as power plant.

Written by Minna

June 24th, 2012 at 7:11 pm

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Scientific Search

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In this context, the first electronic publications appear, what if it believed to be a great advance for the scientific community, but this was not materialize total, in view of the increase of the price of the signatures of periodic the scientific electronic, occurring the call ' ' crisis of peridicos' '. From this crisis, the appearance of a model that allowed the gratuitous access to the scientific information, called of open archives occurs. Sponsored scientific works with public resources denote free access to the information of decurrent them, however, periodic scientific electronic are not gotten in gratuitous way. Ahead of this fact, referring questionings to the imposed restriction appear to the users, that is, few exactly have access to the scientific information with the financing of the research with public resources. Another argument concerns to the public power: as well as it sponsors projects of the scientists, can, also, contribute so that the users have free and gratuitous access to the search services.

This work is considered to display it on the model of open archives and to indicate them as a source of gratuitous consultation to that new and discovery need the scientific information for the knowledge production of, from the argument that points scientific projects, in its majority, financed with public resources, but its readings demand pecuniary return. The justification of the research is guided in the fact of that the scientific information is the essential base for the intellectual development, scientific and technological of a country. Therefore, leaving of this premise, it is distinguished that to occur this development, the scientific community comes facing barriers how much to the access to these information, restricted to a small group, making with that the country does not obtain to improve its level in the scientific scope. Therefore, the model of open archive can be a viable alternative for the free access and increase of scientific productions.

Written by Minna

June 18th, 2012 at 9:23 am

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Mohm Standard

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Each sample was prepared completing the volume of 300 ml of the enteral bottle with pure extreme water (C.E and 18,2 Mohm.cm). They had been injected in white chromatograph separately 1 L of solution, solution working standard EtO and solutions of the prepared samples. Through the areas of the referring peaks to the chromatograms the residual EtO was calculated, as formula: Where: EtO: gotten value (ppm); Aa: area of the referring peak to the EtO gotten in the sample; AP: area of the peak of the solution standard; Cp: concentration standard; V: volume of the bottle; P: weight of the bottle (gram). RESULTS For the physical qualification the 11 physical sensors and 11 implanted integrators had approved the qualification parameters: 45 UR%, temperature: 55C, pressure: 0,750 Kgf/cm and EtO concentration: 430 mg/l. For the microbiological qualification the sterility tests had been approved in the analyses showed for the cycles: 534, 535 and 536 in the methodology of ways of culture Fluid Tioglicolato and TSB in the period of 14 days. All the 33 samples had been approved in the assay of endotoxina with results below of < 0,5 in agreement EU/ml USP 30. The evaluation of fast the 33 analyses of Bioindicadores 1294 (third generation) with reading of 4 hours indicated the approval of the cycles of sterilization 534, 535 and 536, confirming the SALT 10-12 of 360 minutes and d value of 30 minutes, for the exposition of 6 hours to the esterilizante agent oxide of ethylene in the 430 concentration of mg/L. The analytical validation was approved for all the analyzed parameters. especificidade was approved for the degradaes in basic way: (- 40.07%), acid (- 43.68%), oxidante (- 23.28%) and under high temperatures (- 14.77%). The analysis of Linearity was approved therefore, the samples had presented DPR% R8), assayed for convenience to determine the concentration of the working standard EtO 10 g/ml, demonstrating to good separation and symmetry of the peaks thus approving the robustness of the method.

Written by Minna

June 16th, 2012 at 9:15 pm

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Henry Lefebvre

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93, ' ' in our liquid society, to remain itself at a distance seems the only reasonable form of proceder' '. Here it fits to also bring the words of the marxist theoretician Henry Lefebvre, in its book the right to the city: ' ' How much to urbanism as ideology, it received more necessary formularizations each time. To study the circulation problems, of transmission of the orders and the information in the great modern city takes the real knowledge and the techniques of application. To declare that the city if defines as consumption and circulation net, as center of information and decisions is an absolute ideology; this ideology, that proceeds from a particularly arbitrary and dangerous reduction-extrapolao, if offers as total truth and dogma, using half terrorists. It leads to the urbanism of the pipes, of the public cleanness, of the measurers, that if it intends to impose on behalf of science and of the scientific severity.

Or the thing worse still! ' ' It is what we have seen in our cities: an inoperative urbanism! What it is needed to make? How to surpass and to win this culture of the fear in these times after-modern? Again the words of Lefebvre help in them to search a reply condizente: ' ' It is indispensable critical radical in such a way of the philosophies of the city how much of ideological urbanism, and this in such a way in the theoretical plan as in the practical plan. This critical one can be taken by an operation of public salubrity. However, it cannot be carried through without long research, rigorous analyses, a patient study of the texts and contextos' '. 4. INAUTENTICIDADE: IT IS POSSIBLE THUS TO FIGHT FOR the RIGHT To the CITY? According to Bauman, ' ' the people of the city do not identify themselves with the land feeds that it, with the source of its wealth or an area under its guard, attention and responsibility, as she happened with the industrials and traders of ideas and good of consumption of the past.

Written by Minna

June 10th, 2012 at 6:22 pm

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