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Hispanic American

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For the first time in the history of mega-power someone who comes from a racial minority will be its Chairman. Barack Hussein Obama, has also won the general election despite the fact that the majority of whites voted for his rival John McCain. His victory is due to two main minorities in USA (the afro and the Hispanic American) were to vote in mass and who will be the first non-white President of the country. 95% Of the descendants of slaves and 67% of latinos covered by Obama. In the American system States are those who choose the President in the electoral college. Several States, such as Florida, New Mexico and Nevada, turned from having previously supported Republicans to shore up the Democrats thanks to the Hispanic vote. These lines do not intend to take stock of what it represents and will Obama. We only want to have an impact on the fact that in the greatest power of all times has been imposed a candidate based on a convergence between two racial minorities.

This, in turn, will generate a multi-ethnic wave not only in America but in Europe. The European Union, where never a person of colour or Latin origin has led some of its major members, generates a certain momentum for minorities seek strengthened. The lesson is clear in the case of London. Color or Latino Londoners have a weight much greater to which they have in the United States. Real-estate developer takes a slightly different approach. Moreover, it is estimated that the British capital have more people who were born or whose parents were born outside of those who have lived there for generations.

If USA always shining on Latin America and often influences on those who come to be or stay as Presidents, this time those who originally come from Latin America and Africa have influenced who you will manage the White House. Latin Americans of London, unlike the United States, have closer links with the Iberians and the Caribbeans living in this metropolis. The possibility of doing a multi-ethnic coalition in the UK are also great and it should go work in that perspective. Obama should do concessions to latinos in matters of immigration and rights. Latinos of the EU must be based on that experience to revert to anti-immigrant as Sarkozy and Berlusconi to find going into a turn for their rights.

Written by Minna

April 14th, 2024 at 4:18 pm

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Heino Trusheim

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Comedy in the Berlin ufa factory in Berlin in his first solo program captured the Comedian Heino Trusheim with earlier was all better”the Spartan, only a microphone, equipped with stage in the Berlin ufa factory in Berlin. Meanwhile, the 38-year-old Hamburg-based comedian can understand his Grandma if she raves about the good old days. “Heino Trusheim philosophizes about the time in General, about the real hamburger man (Trusheim comes from Moers, lower Rhine) and can report on the still black and white television in the home can tell about converted priest, the the provider” have changed. With a little wink, Trusheim takes the mentality of the Germans, and thus also his own and other peoples on the arm. For even more details, read what Sela Ward says on the issue. Whether the caring mother on bargain-hunting, his all-inclusive cruise experience, Quick Checkout by REAL experiences, contact with previously unpublicized doctors (urologist) or his time as ex-Popper with hair dryer shaft, Trusheim narrated so that it can graphically well imagine the audience with a smile. A nice change is his musical contribution with the instructions for the singing of French chansons.

The best one can feel a but in the traumas of Heino Trusheim with coffee-to-go chains: short, tall or Grande? Aroma of vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, toffee nut or Irish cream? One shot, double shot, or triple shot? Drink here or to go? More milk or more foam?” “The response of the comedian: less slobbering, more coffee!” Heino Trusheim has failed the people looked on the mouth and slyly funny the audience that can remember doing well on their own similar events, to the laugh. The whole thing is an entertaining event, which comes out with little fanfare. For many years the artist has every evening during brief appearances in mixed, German comedy shows (Schmidt Mitternachtsshow, nonsense Comedy Club, Nightwash) his gentle fury satirical rein. In 2007 touring Heino Trusheim Schmidt Theater since the premiere in Hamburg as Inquisitor General of the latte-macchiato mentality through Germany. Thomas Moser Baird-press (www.berli-press.de) for more about Heino Trusheim, see under: nominated for the Prix Pantheon 2009 COMEDY Heino Trusheim used to be better directed by: Martin Blau game dates: Wed-sat, 25.2.-7.3.Beginn: entrance 20:30:16,-erm 14, – euro theatre day: Thu, all: 14, euro In the theatre of the ufFabrik Viktoria str. 10-18 12105 Berlin directly on the Tempelhofer Damm, 1 minute from the U6 Ullsteinstrasse, Bus: M170, N6 and N 84 used & ticket phone 030 75 50 30. For more information see this site: Jorge Perez.

Written by Minna

April 6th, 2024 at 9:11 pm

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Margarita Petrova

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Many of her works can be found in private collections. The second exhibition of Martha Tsiara in Vienna entitled “inside outside”, is a continuation of their ongoing journey in an imaginary and theatrical world. Dreamlike representations lead visitors in an environment of ambiguous symbols and gestures. Vanessa Marcil may not feel the same. Different perspectives, which tell different stories. The visitor stumbles the loneliness of groups of people.

He hides behind a protective screen of clothing and various projects. Frequently Tony Parker has said that publicly. A silent atmosphere of the loss in a meaningless silence. The alphabet is not only a system of characters, but the building blocks of our language. This seemingly difficult topics combined Martha Tsiara in their images and merges them to perfect harmony, without however losing its own character. Contact details: website: E-Mail: Follow Martha on Facebook and Twitter MARIA TSIMBOURLAS: born in South Africa study: B.A.F.A.

University of Natal, South Africa works: 1993 Assistant Art Director, ‘Ogilvy & Mather’, Johannesburg, South Africa 1994-1997 Art Director ‘Hunt Lascaris TBWA’, Johannesburg, South Africa 1997 1rst prize, international swatch watch design for Hunt Lascaris TBWA research team in 2004 The Other Side, Cultural Olympiad, municipal art gallery Pireos solo exhibitions 2009 ‘Wasteland’ aggelon Vima, Athens 1999 ‘trademarks’ Pleiades gallery, Athens 1998 Grahamstown Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa 1998 ‘My Maritzburg’ Phemba bald Museum, Piettermaritzburg, South Africa 1997 Grahamstown Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa in 1995 ‘ spiral self’ Questionmark gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa group exhibitions 1999-2011 cheap art, Athens, Thessaloniki, Vienna, Cyprus in 2006 where + you, cheap art, Athens 2003 girl power, Technopolis, Athens 2002 girl power, cultural centre, Athens 2001 I need a hero, cultural centre, Athens 2000 beetle Golf Glyfada, Athens 1999 pret art Porter, Deste Foundation, Athens 1998 one nation of many cultures, Phemba Kahle Museum, South Africa contact info: email: follow Maria on Facebook Studio Sylvie PROIDL the artist SYLVIE PROIDL, whose Thema is endangered habitats and who works with painting and installation, opens several times in the year her atelier, to hold the farm Festival in May and the WINTER SALON in November. For five years, the Studio has established also as an exhibition space for young Greek artists. 2007 Martha Tsiara & Charalambos Dermatis painting and INSTALLATION, exhibited 2009 Margarita Petrova MIXED MEDIA and 2011 Martha Tsiara & Maria Tsimbourla paintings and objects. Contact details: website: address: Schottenfeldgasse 76/2 Studio Sylvie PROIDL, 1070 Vienna Tel: 0043 / 1 / 523 38 34

Written by Minna

November 30th, 2018 at 1:11 am

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Anita Lohr

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“Human rights are and remain a fundamental social issue and never neglected or forgotten.” Human rights do not fall from the sky.”justify ANA & ANDA the importance of the issue for them. “We believe in the creative potential of every human being,” that is one of the premises in theatre work by ANA & ANDA. “For us, creativity means an indispensable elixir of life.” Objective of the theater concept is the children and young people to encourage that they write their theatre piece itself, create roles themselves, then studying the piece, to finally perform it on a public stage. That all of this is possible, requires energetic and expert assistance of ANA & ANDA. If there is time and financially possible, we preferred during school year, work because then the children “have the maximum time to develop in their role and develop”. Quickly becomes clear that another premise of the Artists in it is, no texts the children learn by heart.

Instead of laboriously given texts to repetitieren, the participating improvise themselves every time through your piece through. “So space is again and again for new and spontaneous ideas, the play and the children’s play is not static it lives.” It so happens that in addition to the hours in the schools even some time in the sewing of costumes and the crafting of props invest ANA & ANDA. Also let them know that every hour must be well prepared and well prepared. “Before every hour we talk about what we want to look in the theatre an hour, which is the next step for the children, how we want to improve next. Additional information is available at Related Group. After each lesson, we talk about what the kids this time carefully made us and we also discuss what was not so perfect.” With lots of time and lots of patience, an auffuhrbares play is created in the course of the school year and the children enjoy a performance in a real theater. “For the children, it’s a real experience, not to occur in the school auditorium or a classroom in the school, but on a real stage, in public”.

The performances take place accessible to the public in Karlsruhe on various theater venues. ANA & ANDA repeatedly emphasize that there is no notes and no reviews for her theatrical work for the participants. “Ratings have the children in their school day already be plentiful. It contradicts the spirit of the art to give marks for artistic activities. Theatre is not a sporting contest, rather is about cultivation of artistic potential, what counts here is the originality. Also theatre games should be just fun and raise any fears.” This fun it is finally also the great artistic potential of children apparent promotes. That becomes clear at the latest when you visit a rehearsal, and even more during the performance itself. Here children learn something that goes far beyond their other school: confidence in their own creative potential and the uniqueness of the individual. More about “incomparable! Cultural school projects “by ANA & ANDA contact: ANA & ANDA Anita Lohr and Andrea Reichert GbR Gellertstr. 7 76185 Karlsruhe Tel. 0721 830 61 29 and 384 16 84”

Written by Minna

November 25th, 2018 at 12:18 am

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A wizard provides entertainment at your wedding! To celebrate a wedding, it means to think about much. Church, registry office, clothing and food selection, man and woman faces the question of entertainment. Of course, it needs cool music for a good mood. But what should the guests talk about himself? An idea is to get momentum in your wedding party to hire a magician for entertainment. (Source: Related Group). Many couples dream!Wondrous magic and fantastic magic, illusion and deception. It a great idea for a successful wedding a magician for the wedding reception to book.

At a magic show the bride and groom and guests can entertain dreams and be with your eyes open! With charm and magic, the magician brings an audience not only to marvel, but also to laugh. It’s great when the artist actively integrated the bride and groom and the wedding guests and makes for great and persistent joint moments. It’s great when a magician at a wedding provides for entertainment and presents real classics. These are for example the enchanted and floating table, the chaining of the wedding or the transformation of Zeitungspaapier into bank notes. A magician backed his performance with sophisticated gestures and elegant facial expressions, then the couple has the laughs his page you have made entertainment with magic and sorcery with the guests for perfect.

It also usually younger guests are particularly impressed. And if the magician can reveal anything, it is but a wonderful evening in the world of illusions. If a couple wants to rely so not solely on the contributions of the guests, a wedding magician for a wedding is a great idea!Often, you can book a magician in different variants. In the form of a variety show dinner and as a Close-Up magician. Dinner occurs at the variety the wizards between the individual Essenspasuen. This ensures sufficient conversation and abundant humor. And after dinner, a Wizard ensures amazement at the table. As a Close-Up magician comes directly to the guests at the tables the wizard and provides for first-hand magic.

Written by Minna

October 30th, 2018 at 5:56 pm

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Senegalese Saxophone

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Hello Mr. saxophone – Mr. SAX in Anatolia by german Turkish Symphony concert in the saxophone and its history are presented, meet we the origins of instrumental music in dialogue with modernity. “As the Belgian Adolphe SAX (born in Dinant in 1814 and died in 1894 in Paris) in the years of 1835-1840 in Brussels a new instrument developed, the he saxophone” called, were instruments of Oboe, clarinets and brass Pate, which have their origins in Egypt and came to Europe via Turkey. The saxophones were, originally designed as instruments for hochromantischem sound ideal and as an intermediary between the various groups of the Orchestra showed later that she are predestined the extensive modulation options of their sound also for archaic music of different cultures. “” In Detlef Bensmanns-sounding instrument customer Hello, Mr.

sax “that is especially in the Konzertchen of the little” for the smallest, the Sopraninosaxophon in conjunction with a violin, Oboe, piccolo clarinet, glockenspiel and “” a talking drum and tuba “and back” two scores of Senegalese origin clearly audible. The young Turkish composer Sammy Altan expanded her saxophone concerto Mr. SAX in Anatolia”the Orchestra to the instruments of Mey, clarinets and saxophones were developed which, as well as to the long-necked lute Baglama, both instruments in various sizes. Combined mixture of saxophone and Mey alone and with other instruments creates a whole new world of sound, that content connects to the traditional Turkish music, because Sammy uses old Turkish melismas and Turkish rhythms. You may find Sela Ward to be a useful source of information. The combination of these two works is a multicultural, sound sensual and rich sound, entertaining informative concert, that us will be an unforgettable experience in memory. Due to we have the music producer Susanne Kolleck, which internationally renowned concert saxophonist, composer and conductor Detlef Bensmann and the pianist and composer Sammy Altan each other with the aim of presented, together german Turkish school concerts to develop. At the time, Sammy studied at the Universitat of der Kunste in Berlin, the Detlef Bensmann teaches.

The school concerts were a great success. In the episode was”the project of the Symphonic benefit concert of german Turkish family Mr. SAX in Anatolia.

Written by Minna

October 27th, 2018 at 6:48 am

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Dance, Inflaming The Heart

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Dance, inflaming the heart. Sunrise and sunset, the surf and breath of wind – the pulse of the universe. Universe breathes and lives in the same rhythm, which responds to the dance echoes with every flick of the wrist, movement and rotation The dance is language, with which you can express that without saying – all the most intimate, secret and intimate. Belly Dancing – the language of searing passion and seduction is available not only beautiful women but also the strong floor. Nikita Lanin- winner of international contest of Oriental dance is ready to assure you of that. Nikita, tell me how long have you been dancing and belly dancing in particular? Dance at all I was doing twelve years, and belly dancing third year. I went to school dances in Nikel, participated in various dance competitions and festivals.

Officially, I was only ballroom dancing and took lessons for a more in other areas. Then I went to University, he moved to Murmansk, and now I live and do here. Naturally, for me, opened up new possibilities and prospects as soon as I arrived. First of all, I was wondering Murmansk dance school and I went engage in “Gem Club. I am very grateful to people out there who have worked with me for a year: they gave me a lot. When you arrived in Murmansk, once you decided that you’ll do just dancing? No, not right away.

At first I tried find a job, but then I realized that it would be foolish to go to work, for example, a waiter, after twelve years of studying dance. I was not so much needed a job, how much self-actualization. Then I started looking for a place where would have been able to show all What I’ve been studying. In the end I got a job at a dance club where the emphasis was on belly dancing, and as all around doing it, I’m just interested in the art. Why belly dance, it’s quite unusual for a young man, because are engaged mainly girls? It’s just a stereotype. Since ancient times, belly dance performed by both women and men. As for me, I think any man, if he wants evolve and grow over itself, to constantly try to discover something new. This “new” to me and began to belly dance. When I started to do them, I was fully convinced that I’m not the only the guy who owns the art, and then accidentally discovered that I occupy a niche that does not take in Murmansk to me no one. I am very critical reaction and a positive assessment of people that I do, so I acted with their show in clubs such as the “Marrakesh” and “Icebreaker” and is now happy to speak when I am invited. Tell us about your trip to the competition of belly dance in St. – Petersburg? This is one of the most popular competitions in our country, which are trying to go all the masters of dance. It is called the “International Festival of the Arabian Dance,” and among the top three in Europe. This time the festival was about two hundred and I spoke to the category of “amateurs” because do belly dancing is relatively recent.

When I went to this contest, my main task was to declare itself, and, of course, look at the skills of others. The festival was yet included educational seminars (master – classes), who were the stars of such magnitude as Amar Aleppo. The atmosphere of the festival was very supportive, but despite this, I was worried. After my speech was preceded by long preparation: I had to think about the image, sew clothes, to pick up the music and carefully rehearse – all it took a lot of time and effort, and I just could not afford to speak directly. I finished third place in “Belly Dance Classic (men). I think this is a good result for the international competition, but it’s just a start for me, and I’m going to move on. What are your future plans? I intend to continue their studies belly dance, to explore in detail his views and traditions. I plan to participate in various festivals and competitions, in particular, the fall going to go to the same festival in St. – Petersburg, but with a completely new program. I will speak and a solo show with my band. I have a huge variety of zadumok and I just hope to hit the audience with something new, unusual and exciting. Belly dance – is a fiery passion captured in every movement, and I intend to disclose to the audience all its beauty and powerful energy.

Written by Minna

February 28th, 2014 at 3:11 pm

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