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Nicholas Chudinov

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Each of us have repeatedly heard told by grandparents incredible stories about turning people into animals. Although the phenomenon of lycanthropy (a person's ability to take the guise of an animal) is known since ancient times. In France, a man-wolf known as Lou Garou, in other parts of Europe – a werewolf, werewolves, in Transylvania – volkolok. To distinguish between two types of beings: the first – a man struck by a very rare hereditary diseases that afflict both men and women, the second – a man-witch, who, through magic spells can turn into another animal (wolf, bear, lynx, leopard ). As narrate ancient treatises, a true lycanthrope (werewolf) changed not only physically, and also completely changed his mind, behavior – that can be repeatedly seen in horror movies. But unlike vampires werewolves – being more than the earth, meeting with them face trouble at night and white during the day (though moonlight is more dangerous). On it are not cross, which may at any time to protect from vampire.

Werewolf on the one hand the murderer, with another – the victim, as an illness, like lycanthropy is considered incurable. And they are constantly tormented by monstrous doubling, themselves often resorted to measures to neutralize its own – before the attack locked all the bolts, which could open only a person but not a beast. In lycanthrope was little chance of being cured, he was doomed to wander every night, trapping more and more new victims, while being stronger than him, not destroy him or (another view) while the silver bullet does not put an end to his suffering. Scientists have for centuries led debate: whether the werewolves, or not. Many of them are of the opinion that the real lycanthrope exist in Basically, they can not.

Others, however, recognize the existence of werewolves. Here is how to explain this phenomenon parapsychologist Nicholas Chudinov: 'Along with our physical world there is an astral. The phenomenon of lycanthropy is due to transition people from one world to another with the subsequent transmutation. In this way, man-witch with the help of special magical ritual on their own, intentionally penetrates through the wall of the astral Plan and reincarnated already in our physical world in any animal or creature. Regarding the first type: the werewolf as a person suffering from a rare disease, we can say that this illness has karmic level – this can happen to a man who was engaged in a past life, for example, black magic, for which he received a sentence of more than becoming a kind of publican in this life. "

Written by Minna

January 8th, 2018 at 8:18 am

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As it would be the world without my presence *Simone Teixeira Casks Summary: This text was written the order of the professor Victor Hugo of disciplines Onrica Ecology, of the Furg in November of 2010. The days not yet are defined between colds and hot, exactly thus I needed to lean over my devaneantes ideas on as it would be the world without me. I confess is not a calm exercise nor so little simple but in the text I leave clearly that without my presence the world would be less I because I would not have in it my memories and my life! It wanted to imagine and recompor the world without my physical presence, without my pains, my happy dreams as the professor would say Victor Hugo Guimares, but I do not obtain to leave the place where I am, I do not obtain to be invisible and indizvel (Mafessoli), I try per some minutes to enter in solitude or would be poeticalally solitude, to see the world far from me but she is a stranger sensation of not existence makes who me to think how much empty I without the world in me would be and I in the world. Estranhamento or vacant sensation of onipotncia that the world to be more world would need me? they are devaneios necessary to understand how much we are fragile front the existence. It wanted recompor me of images not gifts in me but I do not obtain to make this because my dreams make with that I feel my proper presence, fugaz, fast, even so fast, among the flowers, the sun, the moon, the life, therefore, I exist in the world. I think per some minutes, without my presence the world I would be a habitat less. what he could mean this? a world without same me? I come back my thought to the divagaes that sharpen my directions of humanity and think that it would be as to lose my house yes it is as to leave my house for a long or perpetual time not to come back more to the house.

Written by Minna

January 30th, 2013 at 12:09 pm

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things that the life teaches! it today wanted only today, it speaks but at the same time of me this world of waves silences pra and of sun, this turbulent, competitive, relative rotating, magnificent universe, inesplicavel, but in the end this real world, where people does not want enchega it, people is passing without feelings, the greater to be that it can still improve this universe to be envermo or of in such a way it says cansol and if was silent for many people and alone the people wise people can still hear a word of this feeling that is the LOVE, that with this feeling we only can join and still make some thing, but that penalty that you have them to few, that few believe and few they feel them Wanted that at least vc it felt this feeling for of a true form as of its life, therefore never feeling vc anger to want to feel something different the feeling it Love in compreta, it values in them and filling them. today I speak that already sentie and I speak that to sentiz it only me left good of spirit of soul, with is good to be able to love and to be loved, as is good to be able to have somebody to hear and for to hear it, as it is good for having somebody that say are here, and this somebody goes to love to it and vc go forever love it nor that this always if summarizes at a moment, a word, a song, an advice The love of God is thus, it filling in them for compreto, it makes in them chagamos the full happiness and still in the hours difficult it speaks I am ak, but God tbm to place its guardies I wait that with these words it can pass something of good and that vc descusbra the love inside of vc, and when to discover me speaks, as is good the sensation of Love, either the love who will be, Love of God, Love of mother and father, Love of Being Mother or Father, familiar love, love with a friend, or conjugal Love, but I am certain that vc go to deliver itself and it does not go more to queirer to leave to love and vc goes there to love the life!.

Written by Minna

January 23rd, 2013 at 2:39 pm

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